You should use the bug report only as a last resort. First, please check for
newer versions, read the FAQ and visit the support forum.
If all that hasn`t helped solve your problems, you may write a bug report.
Before doing this please check if you have got a current version of Spybot-S&D. To proof
if you are up to date you can use the integrated update function (Spybot-S&D section).
After this check please go to the Tools section, then bug report and press Next.
If you write a bug report the first time, you may need to set your mail
settings. Select the button Mail settings, and change them to yours.
The dialog poping up will allow you to set all necessary data. If you use
Outlook or Outlook Express, you may even import your settings, and will only
have to enter your password.
Once the mail settings are correct, you can write your bug description in the text field
for "Your detailed description of the bug". After that please press "system generated report".
Here will be listed a specified report from the machine that will also be sended to us.
If you want to append a file to the report please drag it to the box at the bottom.
Once you have done that and verified everything is correct, you can press the
Send button to send the mail.
You can find more bug report options in the main